IT & Digital Solutions

To keep up with future scenarios, Digital innovation requires cultural, organizational and technological changes. Many companies, from different industries, are facing the new challenges of Digital Transformation in order to improve the performance and overall efficiency of the business organization and the network (suppliers and customers).

Over the next years, there will be an increasing interconnection between machines and devices and the ability to process and manage datas will be the success key for companies.

For 20 years, M&IT Consulting has been committed to supporting companies in their development and organizational improvement. M&IT wants to take the new challenge and opportunity arising from the “digital transformation”, showing to the clients the direction towards the new paradigm of Enterprise 4.0.

Thanks also to the partnership with BlueIT Group, a company leader in cloud & cognitive transition and AI process adoption, M&IT consultants can effectively support companies in the entire “digital transformation” process: from choosing and designing the most appropriate technology solutions (solutioning), to managing development and implementation of programs (project management), including the process of organizational change and staff training (training & follow up).

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M&IT Consulting Srl
via R. Longhi, 14/a - 40128 Bologna - tel. 051 6313773 - fax 051 4154298
Email: - PEC:
Iscritta al R.I. di Bologna | C.F. 91197950370 | P.I. 02086101207 | Capitale sociale € 100.000,00 i.v.