Mauro Nolli

Senior Partner and Administrator of M&IT Consulting, in charge of Industry and Operation areas.

He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Politecnico of Milan in 1985.

After few experience in the machinery & equipment companies , he began his professional career as a Management Consultant, coordinating and carrying out, in 30 years of experience, a lot of projects regarding reorganization, improvement and training in important industrial and services companies.

The topics most addressed are the implementation of projects to reorganize and improve business processes, with a particular focus on:

  • Implementation of Operational Excellence, Lean Manufacturing/Lean Production, Six Sigma, WCM, Industry 4.0, etc.);
  • organization and purchasing management and implementation of supplier integration and improvement programs (Purchasing Excellence, Lean Supply Chain, etc.);
  • programmes for the development and reorganisation of after-sales services (after Sales Excellence, Lean Service, etc.)

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M&IT Consulting Srl
via R. Longhi, 14/a - 40128 Bologna - tel. 051 6313773 - fax 051 4154298
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Iscritta al R.I. di Bologna | C.F. 91197950370 | P.I. 02086101207 | Capitale sociale € 100.000,00 i.v.